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Tips and tricks for group discussion

Eliminations during the interview process are very difficult for companies and Quantitative / Qualitative / Technical Aptitude and Technical rounds are not sufficient to filter the applicants. Hence Group Discussion a.k.a GD serves as a mass elimination tool for a lot of mass recruiting companies.

A lot of aspiring candidates who are really good with technologies and technical knowledge have a setback when they get to know there is group discussion round in interview process. “Should we conduct Group Discussion round for technical interviews” is very good topic to conduct a Group Discussion/debate on. However, this article will help you to clear the hurdle of group discussions.

group discussion gd

Below are a few reasons why you must consider group discussions (GD) as an important factor and how it helps the candidates:

  • Companies hiring candidates will already have a clear-cut idea of what kind of students they are looking for and hence having a Group Discussion round helps them to find the right match based on interpersonal skills.
  • Group Discussion will help to measure your ability to understand a given topic, your knowledge with current affairs, your body language, the way you respect or contradict other candidate’s views and your attitude. A recruiter wouldn’t want someone who is having a bad attitude or more aggressive on other candidates in their company.
  • It also checks your communication skills, confidence level as well as your behaviour and way of speaking etc. All your soft skills will be tested here.
  • Candidates who have stage fear and fear of speaking in front of others should consider this as an opportunity to overcome the fear and build the confidence in them as it is very much essential to be a good team player in the company.
  • Group Discussions not only helps to share one’s valuable thoughts and ideas regarding the topic given but also helps in being a good team player which is very much essential in today’s competitive world.

 Points to remember during a Group Discussion

In a Group Discussion (GD), you are expected to contribute meaningfully on the given topic and help arrive at a generic conclusion. It is not a platform for you to showcase your debate skills. It is more of a team activity where the best among the team player will be picked.

  • Be yourself, calm down take a deep breath and sit straight in a confident posture. You need to look impressive, well groomed and confident.
  • Think well before you speak. Body language is important, so be careful while using gestures and do not ever get aggressive. You are being watched, heard and judged upon.
  • Be an active and dynamic participant. The examiner wants to hear you share your views. Hence, put your views forward but do not be over-confident. Using great quotes, facts, and figures, everyday life examples to express thoughts may also leave a good impression on the examiner and help you to score well.
  • Start and end the discussion: If you have very good knowledge on the topic then grab the opportunity to speak first. It leaves a good impression on the evaluator. Also, summarizing or ending up the Group Discussion will help you leave a good impression.
  • Listening skill is important: You must also ensure that you listen as well as respect what others are saying. At any point, If you do not agree with someone’s point, let them complete and then raise your objection.
  • Make an eye contact with all the participants: Rest of the world should be unseen, not even examiner/judge. Especially when you are seated on 2nd position, you tend to ignore looking into candidate seated in the 1st position which is very important. Also, nodding when others speak shows respect towards them.

What if you do not have any knowledge about the topic of the group discussion?

  • Firstly, calm down and relax. Do not panic at all.
  • For the first few minutes, carefully listen to the views/discussion that takes place.
  • Evaluate the discussion and form your views on the topic.
  • Your views/opinion need not be correct but it needs to be logical and it should indicate such that you are sharing your views on the topic.
  • Add one or two points in between the discussion and later on, grab an opportunity to conclude on the topic.
  • This must make a good impression. However be careful that there is quality in what point you are making.

Strict NO to below activity during a group discussion:

  • Do not repeat a point or drag a point or make an irrelevant point on the topic.
  • Don’t look into watch often and a STRICT no to shaking your hands or legs.
  • Do not play with any other objects like pen/notepad/mobile etc.
  • Never interrupt or object while others are speaking. Remember its group discussion and NOT DEBATE COMPETITION.
  • Do not make an eye contact with the audience or examiner. Only eye contact with all candidates only.

Click on below video to know the Secret to score and crack a group discussion round

15 Hot/Trending Group Discussion topics of 2018

  1. Statue of Unity: Boon or Bane?
  2. What’re your views on next General Elections 2019. Who will win and Why?
  3. Did Corruption reduce due to Demonetisation and note ban
  4. Chinese Goods versus Indian Goods
  5. Bullet train versus Indian railways
  6. Is Right to Privacy a Fundamental Right?
  7. Social media is helping to spread the Fake news
  8. Artificial Intelligence and Robotics: Boon or Bane?
  9. Sarahah, the anonymous messaging app, good or bad?
  10. Blue whale challenge: Pros and Cons
  11. Is Reliance Jio 4G Changing the Indian Telecom Sector
  12. Should companies hire fresh graduates
  13. Benefits of ADHAAR card linking everywhere
  14. How can we reduce increasing Cyber Crimes?
  15. Millenials are more depressed: Agree or Disagree

Never attended a group discussion earlier or need experience on the same?

Well, only practice can help you and hence you can conduct a mock group discussion to get a good experience and prepare yourself. Wondering how to conduct one?

  • Gather 4-5 students/friends.
  • Select a topic
  • Select a judge/examiner.
  • Introduce to each other ( can skip this)
  • Set a timer for 10 minutes.
  • Start the discussion
  • Stop it at exact 10 minutes.
  • Discuss how it went with the help of a judge.
  • You can also check this site to participate online in a group discussion topic.

These are some basic yet very crucial tips that should help you feel more confident about yourself and make you ready to appear for that next group discussion. If you have any issues in facing group discussions, share with us in below comments and we will try our best to help you out.

GOOD LUCK with your interviews.

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