
Springer Nature is a giant when it comes to research community who has its on publications and has published thousands of books. During this COVID19 quarantine period, springer nature is giving away free scientific e-books to download which otherwise are few costly books to purchase.

The e-books come from different categories such as computer science, engineering, medical, life, sociology etc. However, these scientific e-books otherwise cost a bomb to our pocket and now due to quarantine period, this is absolutely free. This is a bliss for an book lover and at same time want to gain knowledge on the subjects.

ALSO CHECK: Chill With Netflix or Upgrade With Redhat Free Courses During this Lockdown

The steps to download the scientific e-book are:

  1. List down the book you are interested to read.
  2. Click on the link in the PDF below. This will redirect to another URL.
  3. Click on “Download Book PDF” button.

[pdfjs-viewer url=”https%3A%2F%2Fjumpwhere.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2020%2F04%2FSpringer-Ebooks.pdf” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=1360px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]

Download the PDF for complete list of text books: Springer E-books PDF Books

Also read: Blogs for IT Employee

Are you a techie:

If you can handle python, try out this cheat code (script) which will download the complete scientific e-books organizing by categories.

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