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Jumpwhere Aptitude Contest - October 2024

Jumpwhere Aptitude Contest – October 2024

Instructions for Jumpwhere Aptitude Contest – October 2024:

  1. You can select only one option at a time.
  2. You can take the QUIZ multiple times.
  3. Each question will carry 100 points.
  4. There are altogether 50 questions.
  5. After finishing the test, you will get a score message as shown below.aptitude test score card
  6. If you score more than 90% you will get a unique code and email id along with the score message.
  7. Take the screenshot of the entire page containing the message along with the unique code generated.
  8. Lucky winners will get exciting goodies/gift from JUMPWHERE. The final decision will be taken by JUMPWHERE TEAM itself.
  9. This contest is available only till 31-Oct-2024 12:00 PM.
  10. Don’t forget to Like and Follow us on facebook for all the updates.

Jumpwhere Aptitude Contest – October 2024:

Quiz Contest - October

Congratulations - you have completed Quiz Contest - October. You scored %%SCORE%% out of %%TOTAL%%. Your performance has been rated as %%RATING%%
Your answers are highlighted below.



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